Electric Band Marzipan - Clocks on Fire

so uh some deja vu happening

so Betsy and I were talking today and I like Betsy she's cool

but I come home and apparently Cocks has an email! This isn't rare. I read through, and they sound fine. I realize that I'll be posting their music whether I enjoy it or not.

but their bandcamp

look at their fucking bandcamp background? yeah that's right. Betsy is Electric Band Marzipan

anyways I don't have much to say about them. Dilla influenced trip-hop like Franc was asking for. They're lying when they say they're chill, though. You dance to this shit. Dance like a drugged out hip-hop Billy Joel.

I will be showering while listening to Clocks on Fire again.

and their album art isn't pretty.(!)

this is their Bandcamp, and this is their facebook.



B, The Space Troll said...

Lol their band is named after a suger confection. Wonder if they know what marzipan is?

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