so uh some deja vu happening
so Betsy and I were talking today and I like Betsy she's cool
but I come home and apparently Cocks has an email! This isn't rare. I read through, and they sound fine. I realize that I'll be posting their music whether I enjoy it or not.
but their bandcamp
look at their fucking bandcamp background? yeah that's right. Betsy is Electric Band Marzipan
anyways I don't have much to say about them. Dilla influenced trip-hop like Franc was asking for. They're lying when they say they're chill, though. You dance to this shit. Dance like a drugged out hip-hop Billy Joel.
I will be showering while listening to Clocks on Fire again.
and their album art isn't pretty.(!)
this is their Bandcamp, and this is their facebook.