
this time it's personal
and no sendspace file again
today we have a record from my favourite avant-hop label, Mush Records, you should check them out, they have pretty solid stuff
(what's the record?)
(who's it by?)
2010 you jammy bastards
First off you should know this is hip-hop. If you are one of those people who listens to "everything but hip-hop and country" you may turn off now but first know YOU'RE A FUCKING IDIOT. REALLY. HAVE YOU NEVER LISTENED TO THE PEDAL STEEL GUITAR IT IS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL SOUND AND WHERE DO YOU HEAR IT OUTSIDE OF COUNTRY
actually Red Sparowes have a pedal steel, good band
anyway, sorry, i don't usually swear but really
hip-hop, yeah. I am one of those pretentious white-kid hip-hop listeners who mostly listens for the beats rather than the lyrics, and does not comprehend gangsta rap, although hip-hop before the advent of the sampler is also quite interesting; and if you are one of these pretentious listeners like me then I think Dialogue is probably for you. Let's seeeee
an excerpt from the press release
"Impressively Thavius also raps over his own beats, nailing the abstracted style of Mush artists like Aesop Rock, his peer Saul Williams or even El-P."
Yes, he does rap, (apparently he is mostly known as a beat producer) but really he shouldn't. I judge rapping by two things, since I don't listen to all the words - Is their voice cool and unique? Do they pull the occasional awesome line that you'll notice even not listening super-closely, like a sort of hook line?
according to no-name the above paragraph is a crazy way to listen but it is what I do; it is not like I am ignoring the words but more that I am not reading the lyrics booklet along with it. I DUNNO.
Thavius does neither of these things, so he's boring. I am on the eighth song of fifteen in another runthrough and I have not noticed a witty line yet. DISAPPOINTING, THAVIUS. You might have cool lines buried in there but if you're not bringing them to prominence you're not doing it right. And his voice is pretty black-guy generic also. NO IT'S NOT RACISM, SURELY YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN. Incidentally he's just disclaiming themes like "violence is bad" "money causes problems" "this beat is sick" I am not bringing anything to the table is what he is actually saying. Oh for water storage, and a poet like desert.
I've just found I overuse the word "basically". If you see it anywhere in my reviews please point it out, I no longer want to use it.
Now, bad rap? isn't that all hip-hop is? why should I listen to this album, you say
the reason is some of the backing music is as brutal as hip-hop gets. Take "Violence", built on a cascade of processed cut-up snares, distorted bass hits, and weird acidic lines. It's like half-time breakcore. Half or double-time elements are a large part of the album's atmosphere and they're what gives it such a frenetic edge - "And The Beat Goes On" starts off with a hissy chiptune arpeggio speeding up to like WHOA FAST and then the drums and clapping sample and guitar all come in at half time and it's really good, it still sounds like it's at the faster speed.
So, DOES DOUBLE-TIME HIP-HOP SOUND GOOD TO YOU? That's the only recommendation I have of this album. It's not actually very good, and I reckon somebody else is likely to do it way better - but I have not heard anything like it, so it's of definite sleeper interest.
Boy, this review was less angry than the last one. I need to listen to some terrible music. somebody recommend some, or i'll just find some myself probably. NOBODY READS THIS BLOG ANYWAY
here's a mediafire link apparently, thank you google
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