Personally, I think this is one of the best albums recorded in the preceding decade. A lot of people would disagree with me, (ie. everyone), but honestly, the 14 tracks on this album are like fun condensed into musical form. A lot of people would consider this album old news. I know it's old news. But it really is a remarkable album, so I'm gonna review this shit anyway.
You'd all know Crazy by now. Some of you may even know Smiley Faces, or you might even own the album. 5.8 Million people do, after all, not taking into account those dirty thieves who downloaded it. But this review is for the poor fool who hasn't bought this album yet. Because you should probably listen to this, hypothetical guy.
The album starts off strong with the standout track Go-Go Gadget Gospel, with Cee-Lo Green (the singer on the album; there is no person by the name of Gnarls Barkley) singing, "I'm freeeeeeeeee!" in his demented, brilliant voice. It almost sounds like it was recorded in a church, it's got so much soul. Crazy follows: you'll all know that track by now, and you'll know if you love it or hate it.
From then on, from the title track to Just A Thought, the album's strongest stretch gets all up in your ears. There is honestly, in my biased-as-fuck opinion, no song in that stretch that isn't perfect. Even the minute-and-a-half long rap about furniture arrangement. The album hits a slight blip with Transformer, a twitchy, uncomfortable track that feels like Danger Mouse, Cee-Lo's collaborator in this, just felt like fucking with the pitch for shits-and-giggles. Which would have been fine if it had turned out as a good track, or if they had left it off the album altogether. But they didn't, which sucks, I guess.
Transformer almost seems inconsequential in light of what comes next. Five tracks follow it, one about apathy, one about being totally on the line (appropriately titled Online), one about fucking dead people, one about, uh, storms, and one about how fucking great dancing is. All of them fantastic. It's St. Elsewhere's complete lack of pretensions that make it such a fun album; it revels in the simple pleasures.
Like fucking dead bodies.