I was in a plane yesterday, so I'd like to take the time to let you all know about my experience.
It was a return flight from an uneventful flight to Chicago, and I was aware of it. After about an hour on my laptop, I reverted to watching the skies.
I went through all the songs I had left on my mp3 player (which currently holds about 45 songs max) and eventually came to Kiza's "We Did The Worst We Could". For completions sake, I listened through Lseadragon's and Kiza's songs for amusement.
As I had for the previous two flights, I had a window seat. Out the window, I was generally amused as I generally am. Pondering size, trying not to think cliches of how small we are, staving off boredom.
But I heard We Did The Worst We Could by S-Harp, Kiza's musical alias, and was fairly floored.
The obvious backwards fog strangled my thoughts and were driven home by the clicking and tapping beat. I thought of Audacity, and the simple effects he put music already recorded he had used. The technical difficulty of the song was obviously awarded no points; but when I looked out the window into the clouds, I heard a new and somewhat obvious new facet. Intention.
How much of music is made with a purpose? How self-congratulating could that purpose get?
Wouldn't the purest purpose be to make music?
Think about it. Music with the sole purpose of being made to create music. Not trying to fit in a specific genre or club; not trying to be catchy or new.
But that's part of the innocence
just as Anthony Burgess says that Clockwork Orange is his worst work, the rest of the world calls it a masterpiece. The readers can see the intricacies not in his story, but in Anthony's mind. How it developed, how his idea progressed throughout the book. And so on.
But he had his idea, and he was determined to make the idea into a book and tell people his idea through the book. Just as a good writer does, Kiza forms his few songs with the idea that he'll be able to show people something he's made. And if it sounds good along the way, all the better.
But as children lose innocence, he'll move through and pass like every good bowel movement should.
When music becomes a frame of mind, and you're only trying to create for the sake of creation: where do you go from there?
with fears and worries
aspirations and shitty keyboards
to S-Harp, and all the success in the world,